Workspace for connecting and collaborating by using MERN stack.

2 min readNov 17, 2020



For every office/community to provide a common point to share their profile and also to create a portfolio or profile by adding previous experiences and skills. if employees have doubts relative to their work can share in form post and people can discuss it to clarify in your own community.

Workspace is a full-stack application that is implemented in MERN stack, the UI is designed based on a mobile-first approach so that small screens can use.


I have used MERN stack for this project, react is used for the front end of this application, express and mongo DB used for create backend to create endpoints, by using Axios the HTTP request are made and exchange of information in form of JSON, only registered users can access through protected routes identify users with unique jwt(JSON web token).

external APIs used for the exchange of information in this application is gravatar and GitHub for avatar and repos extraction respectively if matches with registered mail.

Technologies learned and used:

  1. Mongo DB for database storage in cloud and mongoose for connecting with MongoDB
  2. React and frontend including jsx, CSS.
  3. Express js which node js framework.
  4. Concurrently used to rum both frontend and backend.
  5. Javascript ES6 version which is the standard version.

Workspace UI :

a showcase of profile/portfolio
share a post or doubts in the community.


Workspace is a prototype that is made in hope of an increase in the workflow of people in the company, and also uses commonplace of exchanging information and also displays portfolio/profile to share with others outside of the organization.


Thanks, Bennett university

At last, I would like to thank Bennett University for guiding, mentoring, and completing the project Thanks to indrajeet sir for guiding in reports and giving feedback on the project development.

Thanks for reading.

